Thursday, August 2, 2007

Just More Of The Same

Not so much has been going on around here. My sinusitis, I think, is finally over. Today I went the whole day without a sinus headache - Yeah!!!!!

The weather has been weird here but I love it! Thunderstorms in the desert are awesome. Today the sky opened up and poured for just a short time. I was walking from my office to my car and got totally drenched!!

I spoke with my mom this afternoon - No new news on my sister. I did speak with the case worker on Monday - she said that the baby is doing great! That is nice to hear. I did tell her that I really wanted to come get her but she said it was not possible. I know the drill - I have been through it with Bash. I did have her make a note in the file that if for some really bad reason they would have to find permanent placement - I would fill out all the paperwork for another ICPC transfer. She seemed happy to hear about that. I know that if that is the route it goes it will be a couple of years before it progresses that far. It took me 8 mos to get Bash here and that was after they decided that he would not be able to go back with his mother.

We had play therapy today - it was very productive. We played with a playhouse and a bunch of little people who all look very different from one another. The therapist and myself expressed to Bash through the dolls that family's can be very different and that people in a family can look very different from each other. We even got to start to talk about adoption a little bit - it was very good.

On the VN adoption front - well I have not filled out the rest of the app that my agency sent. I guess I have been a little shocked about the events that have unfolded with my sister. But I have decided to go ahead and fill it out and send it in - I am going to go ahead and move forward and if my niece ends up here - what can I say? "The more the merrier"

I did hear that the bed I ordered should be set to clear customs next week. That was exciting but I didn't even think it had been shipped yet. For those of you wondering - I bought a teak platform bed from Bali. It is made from reconditioned teak from houses that are approximately 50-200yrs old. It is just a simple platform bed but it was exactly what I was looking for and I love the fact that it is made from reconditioned wood - no killing trees for me!

OK, I just have one more thing to say - Holly Hunter. Lol - is everyone saying "what?" Well in another blog I follow it said to put Holly Hunter somewhere in your blog and it will increase hits to your blog. Let's see if it works!